Moche Atroche focuses on the visceral as a symbol of existence, presenting the human being in the form of a viscera. The individual's uniqueness is reflected in each fold of this representation, integrating their physical, emotional, and logical dimensions. This approach explores the dynamics of pulsion and repulsion: what draws us toward life and what drives us away from it, what endangers us and what makes us fall in love.
The work draws upon medicine, philosophy, and anthropology to explore the inner cores of the individual, including their thoughts, culture, and the connection between will and instinct. This exploration encourages reflection on human nature and the questioning of our existence based on our emotional interactions with the world.

Moche Atroche studied Visual Arts at the Instituto Superior de Arte y Creatividad de Pilar (ISACP) and trained at the École des Beaux-Arts in Versailles, France. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree at the Sorbonne University in Paris.
In 2023, he participated in an artist residency in South Korea, working in the cities of Seoul and Jinju. This international experience has enriched his perspective and contributed to his overall artistic development.
He has been recognized as an Argentine artistic representative by the Argentine Embassy to the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, under the management of Minister Juan Beretervide, and by the Argentine Embassy to the Federal Republic of Germany, with the support of Minister Victorio Taccetti.
In 2012, he exhibited his work at the Grand Palais in Paris during the 223rd edition of "Le Salon", organized by the Société des Artistes Français, where he received praise from the association's director, Madame Viviane Guybet.
In 2013, the Municipality of Pilar granted him recognition as an outstanding artist of Pilar. In early 2014, he received the Identidad Federal award as an international figure in the area of Plastic Arts, and in 2016, he was recognized as Outstanding Youth by the Youth Directorate of the Municipality of Pilar in the framework of World Youth Day.
Some of his works are part of private collections in Germany, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, United States and France.
2016 - Recognition "Outstanding Youth", Youth Directorate of the Municipality of Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Jury in provincial contest "Buenos Aires Youth Tournaments" Visual Arts, Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2015 - Jury in provincial contest "Buenos Aires Youth Tournaments" Visual Arts, Zárate, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2014 - Federal Identity Award, international artist recognition, Municipality of Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Selected Argentine Representative "Biennale internationale d'Art Miniature 2014", Quebec, Canada.
- AKIAN Young Graphic Art Award in ARTE ESPACIO 6th Edition San Isidro.
- Jury in provincial contest "Buenos Aires Youth Tournaments" Plastic Arts, Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2012 - Selected Argentine Representative "Biennale internationale d'Art Miniature 2012", Quebec, Canada.
- Selected Exhibition in the edition CCXXIII (223) Grand Palais de Paris "Art en Capital" organized by the Societé d'Artistes Français. Paris, France.
2008 - First prize in the 6th painting contest of the Tel Viso salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2005 - 2nd prize in the painting competition of the Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2015 - Exhibition at Société Peace & Vertu, Saint-Cyr-l'ecole. France.
2014 - Individual exhibition "Experiences in the past (Déjà Vu)" at the Del Viso Federal and Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Exhibition at Société Peace & Vertu, Saint-Cyr-l'ecole. France.
2013 - Individual exhibition "Study of anatomy according to ... a reflection of the XXI century" at the Cultural and Federal Center of Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2012 - Individual exhibition at Driving Golf Del Viso, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2011 - Individual Exhibition in the art gallery "Contexto Arte", Puerto Madero, Capital Federal, Argentina.
2009 - Individual exhibition “Gritos y Razones de la Comedia” in the Tel Viso showroom, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2007 - Exhibition of drawings in the "Bartolomé Miter" library in the city of Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2024 - Le goût du Kimchi III - Galerie de l'École des Beaux-Arts de Versailles, Versailles, France.
- Affinities IV - Galerie de l'École des Beaux-Arts de Versailles, Versailles, France.
2023 - Salon des Arts II - Saint-Cyr L’Ecole, France.
- Affinities III - University Sookmyung, Seoul, South Korea.
- Affinities III - Espace Rizhome, Masan, South Korea.
- National Art Center TOKYO - Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
2022 - Salon des Arts I - Saint-Cyr L’Ecole, France.
- 119th Edition of the Salon d'Automne - Paris, France.
- Virtual Exhibition “El otro, el mismo” by the National University of the Arts - Galerie Buenos Aires Sur - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2019 - Collective exhibition National University of the Arts, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2018 - Collective exhibition "The New Buenos Aires Talents" National Congress, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017 - Exhibition of work at "Book Fair", Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2016 - Exhibition of work at "International Tourism Fair", La Rural, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2015 - Exhibition in the 7th edition ARTE ESPACIO Espacio Darwin, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2014 - Exhibition in 6th edition ART SPACE "CRUCEMOS MIRADAS" Darwin space, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Exhibition in "Pueblo Arte la Noche de las Gallerías" at the Federal Cultural Center, Pilar
2013 - Collective Exhibition at the "Beffroi de Brugges", UNESCO, Bruges, Belgium.
- Collective Exhibition in the "Forma", Palermo, Federal Capital, Argentina.
- Exhibition at the “Mairie du 8éme arrondissement de Paris.” Paris, France.
2012 - Exhibition at the “Mairie du 8éme arrondissement de Paris.” Paris, France.
2011 - Collective exhibition at Galería Darc. Cordoba Argentina.
2010 - Collective exhibition "In Contrast" at Espacio Pilar. By Ars duo Gallery, Pilar, Buenos Aires Argentina.
2009 - Collective exhibition at Galería Ars Dúo. Art and Design Fair. Buenos Aires, Argentina
2008 - Group exhibition at the National University of Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2007 - Exhibition of Drawings in the Library of Pilar. Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2006 - Work selected for group exhibition. In the 4th Tel Viso painting contest. Buenos Aires, Argentina.